WED 4 AUG, 19:00 + 21:00
Stefanou Estate, Kampos, Chios
* The estate which is also known as Chandridiko is located at 10-12 P. Chalkousi Street.
** Parking space is very close to the Schools of Klouva.
Ticket price: 7 euros / 5 euros for children (up to 12 years old)
Collaborators: Sebun Quartet and the actor Spyros Markopoulos.
Directed by Eleni Efthimiou | Storytelling concert
The concert will feature 24 short children’s songs, composed by Tchaikovsky in 1878, influenced by Schumann’s “Album for the Young”. The songs are divided into micro-cycles, for example a cycle about toys, a cycle about fairy tales and a cycle about dances, which reflect the different aspects of a child’s life. In this interactive concert, the songs will be presented combined with fairy tales as well as stories invented by the children themselves, under the guidance of the main narrator-storyteller, while traveling to the imaginary world of music.